Friday, February 6, 2009

Pulling Dead Weight

3 Rounds of:

4 Weighted Rope Pull (M135lbs/F95lbs) *Feet must stay set*
25 Squat Box Jumps
25 Ball Slams (M20lbs/F15lbs)
Rest 3 minutes

No clock tomorrow kids. This is a fun WOD until the person behind you catches up to you. Lets show some pride and not let that happen.

I was second to last in the order with Amber (the trainer) following me. I had a slight advantage in that Gabe had to unclip the 135 and reclip with 95 before Amber could start the rope pull. However even with the small advantage, I put out as hard as I could the first two rounds and caught the guy in front of me both times. There was a punishment for being caught during your ball slams - you had to jump up to a ball 10 pounds heavier and had to do a set of 10 burpees after the WOD for each time you were caught.
I could have gone harder in the third round, but chose to hold not drive as hard....

I felt great after this one. It was more a game than anything, but a hell of a lot of fun.

Also I've been studying the deadlift, watching all the videos on the main site, and taking notes about all the cues.

I had Gabe and Amber watch a couple quick light ones going through the progression I had wrote down and they said they were solid. So hopefully I'll have good news to report next time we DL heavy.

I'm gonna miss Saturday's WOD to spend so time with my wife, hopefully the extra day of rest will translate in to extra intensity on Monday.


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